Friday, January 23, 2009

Assignment 1: Grim Reaper

1. What is your initial reaction to the photograph?
Initially, I thought that this photo's graphics weren't the best. However, it has a lot of meaning to me, sentimentally, and I thought that others would see at least some semblance of that meaning. The photograph has an amusing quality, which I thought others might enjoy as much as I do. I found the photo fitting for my first blog assignment for Drawing I.

2. Describe what is in front of you.
The photo depicts my two best friends, late at night, all decked out in black and in a public park. What had happened was this: we were all three hanging out in the park when we had this wonderful idea. Darkness, intimidating qualities. Why not do a little play acting? So, V stood on a chair and was the Grim Reaper while Cin pretended to be this helpless victim running from Death's scythe. A little bleak, yes, but significant in its own way, as well as slightly amusing in its sentimental qualities.

3. Discuss the composition, line quality, color, placement in space.
The composition overall could probably use some work in the fact that the picture quality could be much more defined, and thus, the line quality would be in better perspective. At the moment it is a bit blurred. The color is very dark, with the placement of light in a great area to accent the two "characters." Since the "Grim Reaper" and the "victim" are the focal points and are not quite (though, it is close) to being the center of the picture, the space around and behind them is less defined, yet the lights and trees are still visible to fill said space.

4. Does the photo tell a story?
In a way, yes, it does, and multiple stories at that. It tells the story of a group of friends just having harmless fun, playing around in a park at night. It also tells the story of what every human being goes through in their life: the fear of Death and trying to outrun him. Granted, some people eventually come to terms with it, but the running is still there at some point in their lives.

5. How does the photo connect to Kathe Kollwitz's drawings? Compare and contrast.
The drawings of Kathe Kollwitz seem to have a slightly bleak and depressing, yet thoughtful and respectful quality to them. My picture is a little similar in that instance, but whereas my picture was more for fun, Ms. Kollwitz's seem to have great meaning in them and are meant to bring thought, perspective into life, and possibly, in some cases, comfort.

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